table of exercises

  1. write a simple document prologue [simple]
  2. translate a prologue from man(7) to mdoc(7) [intermediate]
  3. write an architecture-dependent prologue [intermediate]

  1. write a simple synopsis for a utility [simple]
  2. write a synopsis with positional arguments [intermediate]
  3. write a synopsis with command modifiers [intermediate]
  4. write a synopsis with assignments [advanced]

  1. write a simple synopsis for functions [simple and intermediate parts]
  2. global variables and constants [intermediate to advanced]

  1. in a utility argument [advanced]

  1. escaping bugs in real-world BSD manuals [simple]
  2. escaping delimiters in macro arguments [intermediate and advanced parts]

  1. structural markup bugs in real-world BSD manuals [intermediate to advanced]

  1. write a manual from scratch [moderate difficulty, ideal for developers working on software lacking at least on manual page]
  2. translate a manual to mdoc [moderate difficulty, ideal for developers working on software having non-mdoc(7) documentation]

  1. check one or a few specific pages [lower difficulty, ideal for developers working on software having mdoc(7) documentation]
  2. run bulk quality checks [moderate difficulty, ideal for operating system developers]

  1. package autogenerated man and cat [high difficulty, ideal for developers maintaining a portable software package]
  2. write configuration tests [high difficulty, ideal for developers maintaining a portable software package]

  1. test makewhatis and apropos [moderate difficulty, ideal for end users]
  2. check manual locations and formats [moderate to higher difficulty, ideal for system administrators]
September 21, 2015