Puffy mandoc — UNIX manpage compiler — contact

Contact the mandoc and pta developers

Users are welcome to contact the mandoc and pta developers at any time with any questions or suggestions relating to mandoc and pta. We try to answer all queries individually, but please be patient and bear with us, we are also working on other projects in parallel.

All contact addresses are in the email domain "mandoc.bsd.lv".

Mailing lists

The following four addresses are public subscription-only lists. To subscribe, send a blank e-mail to the following addresses, respectively: discuss+subscribe, tech+subscribe, source+subscribe, or pta+subscribe.

If you only want to post a single message and do not want to subscribe, sending the message to the private contact address listed at the bottom of this page is always acceptable, including for sending bug reports, even though using lists is slightly preferred for bug reports. In such a message, you can optionally provide permission to forward the message to one of the lists, which the developers will typically do when they have permission and the bug cannot be fixed at once. If that's what you want, you can also ask for the message to be forwarded in any case.

Post important bug-reports for mandoc that are likely to affect many users and general questions to this list. Please check the documentation and the TODO list for known issues before posting. Developers will also post announcements here.
Public archives: https://inbox.vuxu.org/mandoc-discuss/https://marc.info/?l=mandoc-discuss
Post source code patches and minor bug reports for mandoc and related programs to this list.
Public archives: https://inbox.vuxu.org/mandoc-tech/https://marc.info/?l=mandoc-tech
Source commit messages for mandoc and related programs are sent out via this list. Do not post, it is not intended for discussion.
Public archives: https://inbox.vuxu.org/mandoc-source/https://marc.info/?l=mandoc-source
Source commit messages for pta are sent out via this list. You can also post bug reports for pta and ask questions about pta here. Currently, there is no public archive.

Many thanks to Leah Neukirchen for hosting the mailing list archives.

Private contact address

Postings to the above lists are publicly visible on the Internet. To privately contact the two main mandoc developers, please write to the address "devel".

Copyright © 2014, 2020 Ingo Schwarze, $Date: 2025/03/03 15:04:29 $